Mosque Carpet Patterns

 In Genel

Mosque carpets are usually manufactured in two distinct models; lined mosque carpets and round-patterned mosque carpets. The most preferred mosque carpets are lined mosque carpets. The mosque carpets can be hand-made and large-sized. They are manufactured in different colors and patterns using technological machines. Because of the human circulation within mosques, the quality of the weaving is very important.

The most important qualities of mosque carpets are longevity and durability against wear. Mosque carpets usually include simple patterns that are not distracting. Religious themes and patterns suitable to Islam are used for mosque carpets. Some models include anti-bacterial threads. Color options include cream, green, blue, red and brown. The colors are used in mild tones. Mosque carpets include simple patterns.

 Lined Mosque Carpets

Lined mosque carpets are suitable to use for crowded places to organize people into neat lines before prayers. The lines on the carpet indicate where people should stand during prayer. This way, incoherence is prevented. Lined mosque carpet models include Abdülmecid, which comes in blue, red, turquoise, green, beige, maroon, brown, ancient blue and ancient green; Akşemseddin, which comes in red, beige, dark beige, and blue; Ali Paşa, which comes in 8 different color options; Asariye, which comes in 5 different color options; and Atik Ali Paşa, which comes in 8 different color options. These carpet models can be purchased in various sizes.

Round-Patterned Mosque Carpets

Round-Patterned Mosque Carpet models include Bilali Habeşi, Hırka-i Şerif, Firuzağa, Hacı Hüsrev, and İshak Fakih. Round-patterned mosque carpets are suitable to use within any mosque because they easily match the interior decoration and color. Various kinds of color and pattern options are available.

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